The techniques involved in movement education help release stress from the body and increase your normal range of motion and body awareness. Increasing one's normal range of movement allows a person to experience more of a healthy, energetic, and creative balance in their body.

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The techniques involved in movement education help release stress from the body and increase your range of motion and body awareness (proprioception). Increasing ones' normal range of movement allows a person to experience more of a healthy, energetic, and creative balance in their body.

Pilates, Alexander Technique, Aston-Patterning, Feldenkrais Method, Franklin Method and Hellerwork are all forms of movement education. Movement education is used as a therapy for muscle problems all over the body, and addressing certain types of pain, like bursitis, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome or other types of repetitive strain injury. 

In the studio we will observe your movement patterns, how you sit, stand, walk, and move with the goal of teaching you specific exercises and skills that will make you more aware of habitual physical patterns that result in tension and constriction in your body. 

These skills will also give you more flexibility and balance. You will learn how to move without causing or exacerbating injury and you will be able to move much more freely in a number of comfortable ways. 

All individuals from the most athletic to the severely injured can benefit from proper movement patterns. 

In addition to assisting the individual in finding greater ease and function in everyday life, movement education can help the athlete to reduce the risk of injury and increase performance. Professional athletes can push past boundaries and achieve training goals easier and faster with a shorter learning curve. Changing movement patterns takes a while to achieve. Homework exercises and short home programs are often included in the process.

All sessions at the Moving Company are treated as a form of movement education. One of our favorite sayings is 'practice makes permanent… only perfect practice makes perfect.' 

Economy of effort, precision of movement, ease of breath, flow, concentration and centering reduce pain and stress on the body and offer greater performance and endurance. While dynamic strength and conditioning may be the focus of your session, we will never let you perform the movement ‘the wrong way.' Our goal is to help you become aware of how you are moving and to find the safest and most beneficial pathway to your movement and athletic goals.

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